Nico de Boinville returns to racing 15 days after breaking collarbone, riding three lots this morning – Racing Post

Nico de Boinville returns to racing 15 days after breaking collarbone, riding three lots this morning – Racing Post

“He rode three lots this morning,” Henderson said, giving an update on Nico de Boinville’s progress. This was the first time since his injury that de Boinville had ridden, and he expressed that it felt great. However, Henderson emphasized that passing the doctors’ examination was crucial, as they held the final decision. Regardless of de Boinville’s assurance of being fine, the medics would have the ultimate say. Henderson expressed hope that de Boinville would get the green light, but also mentioned that they were prepared for any possible outcomes. He acknowledged James Bowen’s excellent performance as a backup option, stating that they were ready for all eventualities. Regarding de Boinville’s return, Henderson mentioned that they would deal with it when the appropriate time arrived.

The Champion Hurdle winner’s season had only seen one outing so far. This was a comfortable victory in the Christmas Hurdle at Kempton on Boxing Day, where the horse was heavily favored and encountered no issues.

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