Upcoming Debate on Affordability Checks Scheduled for February 26

Upcoming Debate on Affordability Checks Scheduled for February 26

Jockey Club chief executive Nevin Truesdale has received support for his petition to stop the implementation of financial checks within the industry. The petitions committee, consisting of MPs from various political parties, considered the petition, which reached 100,000 signatures on November 28. The debate on this issue is expected to take place in Westminster Hall, where a government minister will provide an official response. The debates in Westminster Hall are public, usually starting at 4.30pm and lasting up to three hours. Truesdale expressed his pleasure at the recognition of the strength of feeling and the grant of a parliamentary debate. Julie Harrington, chief executive of the British Horseracing Authority, also welcomed the parliamentary scrutiny and highlighted the rapid success of their survey in reaching the required signatures. Harrington stressed the unique restrictions being proposed by the government and the need for MPs to debate the issue thoroughly. The BHA, along with other racing stakeholders, will work with MPs from all political parties to represent the views of British racing and those who bet on the sport. While supporting the aim of protecting individuals from harm, they argue that millions of people enjoy betting on horseracing without negative consequences. The BHA will continue to advocate for changes to the Gambling Commission’s proposals to safeguard the sport’s financial future and limit the impact on bettors. MP Philip Davies urged participants in the sport to encourage their MPs to attend the debate and commended Truesdale and the racing industry for their support. Davies emphasized the importance of highlighting the potential damage that the proposed affordability checks could cause to the racing industry and to those who bet responsibly. He encouraged everyone to make the most of this opportunity to influence the government’s position on the issue.

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