Monday’s racing meetings to proceed as planned despite the impact of Storm Isha
Parts of Britain have experienced wind gusts up to 99mph, leading to a rare red warning for parts of northern Scotland. Despite this, jumps meetings at Warwick and Plumpton, as well as all-weather cards at Kempton and Newcastle, will still go ahead as planned.
According to the Clerk of the course at Warwick, Tom Ryall, the racecourse was frozen for most of the previous week but became raceable yesterday afternoon. Although they experienced high winds overnight, reaching gusts of 50mph, the conditions are set to improve today with gusts expected to reduce to around 30mph. Ryall believes this is manageable and the situation will continue to be monitored throughout the day.
Meanwhile, at Plumpton, the Clerk of the course Barney Clifford states that they have no problems and are completely fine with the weather conditions.
In conclusion, despite the severe wind gusts in some parts of the country, the race meetings at Warwick and Plumpton, as well as the all-weather meetings at Kempton and Newcastle, will proceed as planned. The course officials are confident in their ability to handle the windy conditions and will be monitoring the situation closely.