Gambling Commission Announces 6-Month Pilot of ‘Frictionless’ Affordability Checks for Gambling
The gambling industry regulator is preparing to release its response to the consultation on affordability checks. The checks will be implemented in two stages, with the initial proposal setting financial vulnerability checks at £125 net loss within 30 days or £500 within a year. However, the commission’s plans will focus on customers with a net deposit of more than £150 a month on gambling, using publicly available data.
The checks will be instituted at £500 a month from August 30, reducing to £150 a month from February 28 next year. Enhanced checks will be piloted, working with credit reference agencies and gambling businesses to examine potential consumer impact. The initial proposals had set thresholds for the second tier of checks at losses of greater than £1,000 within 24 hours or £2,000 within 90 days.
However, the commission will explore the exact financial thresholds for the assessments following the pilot. Chief executive Andrew Rhodes emphasized the importance of evidence-based rule introduction and the consideration of consumer views in developing the new rules. The Gambling Commission also announced other upcoming changes, including the requirement for operators to offer customers the option to opt in to specific marketing material based on their betting product preferences.
This will come into effect from January 17.