National Horse Race
The trainers’ title race heats up, but my national dreams are shattered as I watch from afar.

The trainers’ title race heats up, but my national dreams are shattered as I watch from afar.

Mr. Incredible seems to be having doubts as I confidently gallop past him. He is the only horse I manage to overtake, however. We successfully negotiate an obstacle, with Stattler being relieved that it’s not a bank.

Suddenly, I catch a glimpse of purple and yellow silks on the grass – the loose horse is just ahead of us. As we approach the next hurdle, the loose horse unexpectedly veers left and collides with another horse before disappearing from sight. I find it uncommon to be at the back, especially in this type of situation. I have never planned to hang back during the first lap of the National before.

As the massive ditch approaches, Mr. Incredible catches up, despite his instructions not to hang back during the initial lap.

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