Cracking the Premier puzzle with Richard Birch’s ten tips for a successful day on ITV3

The seven-year-old, making his second start of the season, is well-equipped to outclass his five rivals under top weight. It’s clear that he’s been carefully prepared for a repeat performance. With a 2lb lower rating, he should make a strong comeback. Conversely, the increase in distance could assist her in overcoming a 7lb weight rise. Her rating of 127 may […]

Nicky Henderson gana apelaciĆ³n ya que se revoca la decisiĆ³n de los comisarios de Lingfield de relegar al ganador

The mare’s unbeaten record has been restored by an appeals panel, ruling that the interference with Ooh Betty may not have affected the result. The panel chair, Philippa Charles, explained that there was little loss of momentum by Ooh Betty and it was difficult to determine if Ooh Betty would have finished in front of the interferer. Eleven days earlier, […]